How to Reset OneDrive on Windows and Mac

In this OneDrive training video, we demonstrate four ways to reset or restart OneDrive for both Windows and Mac Operating Systems, catering to diverse user preferences. The methods include user-friendly options within the OneDrive application and system tray or menu bar icons, as well as more advanced approaches through the system’s task manager or Terminal on Mac. This comprehensive guide ensures users can efficiently troubleshoot OneDrive performance issues based on their technical comfort level.


Reset command for Run app in Windows:
%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset

Reset command for Terminal in Mac:
defaults write ResetOnResume -bool TRUE

PowerShell command to reset OneDrive:
Stop-Process -Name “OneDrive” -Force; Start-Process “$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe”

Important: If your onedrive.exe file is located somewhere else, replace the contents of the last quotation marks with the correct path.

John Gleave

John Gleave has been a researcher, content writer, and senior editor at Business Tech Planet since 2022. John was formerly a data analyst and web designer with expertise in several programming languages, such as JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, CSS, SQL, and more! With a passion for writing and technology, he has now focused his skills on crafting tech guides for BTP. You can connect with John on LinkedIn.

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