How to use the Strikethrough Shortcut in Excel

In this Excel training video, we will guide you through the process of applying a strikethrough formatting to text using a keyboard shortcut. Also, the guide will cover the different shortcuts for both Windows and Mac computers.

Be sure to check the bonus tip at the end of the video, where we’ll show you how to create a custom strikethrough button using an Office script.


Windows Shortcut (Desktop):
Ctrl + 5 

Windows Shortcut (Web)
Ctrl + 5 (Chrome & Edge)
Ctrl + Alt + 5 (FireFox)

Mac shortcut (Desktop):
Command + Shift + X

Office script for Shortcut button:

async function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {

// Get the used range of the current worksheet.
let currentSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
let usedRange = currentSheet.getUsedRange();

// Get the RangeFont object.
let font = usedRange.getFormat().getFont();

// Toggle the strikethrough property.
let hasStrikethrough = font.getStrikethrough();

John Gleave

John Gleave has been a researcher, content writer, and senior editor at Business Tech Planet since 2022. John was formerly a data analyst and web designer with expertise in several programming languages, such as JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, CSS, SQL, and more! With a passion for writing and technology, he has now focused his skills on crafting tech guides for BTP. You can connect with John on LinkedIn.

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