How to write behind the rule lines in OneNote

Microsoft’s OneNote allows you to customize the notebook to appear like a regular notepad. To achieve this, OneNote has added a rule lines feature to the “View” section in OneNote. However, certain users have reported that they cannot write behind the red rule lines or on the blue rule lines in OneNote. Below I will provide the steps to adjust the rule lines to ensure the text aligns correctly.

Write behind the red rule line in OneNote:

  • Write text anywhere in the notebook.
  • Select the grey bar at the top of the text box.
  • Drag the text box across the red rule line.

Write on the blue rule lines in OneNote:

  • Adjust the font size in the “Home” tab.
  • Alternatively, go to “View” and adjust the rule line height.

How to write behind the red rule line in OneNote

There are several ways to write behind the rule line in OneNote. The first method is to drag your text across the line, which we will describe in more detail below. Another approach is to draw behind the red rule line using the pen tool. Doing so will allow you to click and write behind the rule line.

  • First, write some text into your notebook.
  • Click outside your text box, then hover over the grey bar at the top.
  • Drag the text box across the red line.

How to adjust the font size to make the text sit on top of the blue rule lines in OneNote

The first adjustment that will help the text to sit behind the rule lines in OneNote is to adjust the font size itself. Adjusting the font size will allow you to make the text just behind the rule lines within the program. If the text is too big, you can reduce the size, and if it’s too small, you can make it larger to ensure it’s appropriately seated on the rule lines. You may need to adjust the text size so it sits behind the rule lines. 

  • Firstly, open your OneNote document.
  • Press the “(Control + A) for Windows or (Command + A) for Mac” keys to select all the text. 

You can manually select all the text; however, you can also use keyboard shortcuts to make the process easier. The keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and Mac devices are different. Choose the appropriate keys for your device to select all the text so you can proceed with the process. 

  • Click on the option for “Home.” 

If you are not on the Home section of OneNote, you will need to click on it to proceed with the steps ahead. 

  • Now click on the dropdown next to “Font size.” 
  • Make small adjustments to the text size to complete the process. 

Once you have completed this step shown above, you will have managed to adjust the text to ensure it sits behind the rule lines in OneNote. You may need to make adjustments to ensure the text properly sits behind the rule lines. However, once you have picked the optimum text size, you can adjust the text to ensure it sits behind the rule lines. If you do not want to adjust the font size, you can use our other method, which will help you adjust the rule lines.

How to adjust the rule lines in OneNote to make the text sit on top of them

You can select larger or smaller rule lines in OneNote to ensure your text is sitting correctly. Here we will illustrate how you can do that.

  • Firstly, open your OneNote document.
  • Now click on the option for “View.”

If you are not already in the View section of OneNote, you will need to access this to proceed with the steps ahead. The View section is where you will be able to make adjustments to the viewing of your document. Here you can find the options for Rule lines within the program. 

  • Select the dropdown next to “Rule lines.” 

In the View section, you will have a list of options you can choose from. Here you will need to choose the option for Rule lines to make the adjustments. 

  • Choose one of the Rule lines options to complete the process. 

Keep making adjustments to make sure the text sits behind the rule lines. If you find that the choice that you have made is not perfect and it is not allowing the text to sit behind the rule lanes, you can continue to make adjustments depending on what is required. 

You can choose any presets to ensure the text sits behind the rule lines in OneNote. If you find that the presets you have chosen are not working and the text is not sitting behind the rule lines, you can continue to make adjustments by choosing different options. Eventually, you will be able to find the option that ensures that allows the text to sit behind the rule lines. Upon completing the process, you will have managed to adjust the rule lines to ensure the text sits behind them.


Thank you for reading our content on making the text in OneNote sit behind the rule lines. I have given you several different methods you can use to make slight adjustments to either the text or the rule lines themselves. Once you have made the slight adjustments to either the text or the rule lines, you will have managed to make the text sit behind the rule lines. If you struggle to follow the steps above, you can simply drop a comment below, and we will address your issues.

Saajid Gangat

Saajid Gangat has been a researcher and content writer at Business Tech Planet since 2021. Saajid is a tech-savvy writer with expertise in web and graphic design and has extensive knowledge of Microsoft 365, Adobe, Shopify, WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and more! You can connect with Saajid on Linkedin.

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